by admin | Feb 9, 2016 | Event Content
Music is the all time great connector of people. It knows no boundaries and speaks to everyone on their own level. Music has the power to evoke a range of emotions and feelings, yet it’s use is so simple to execute. For all these reasons and more, using music to connect with your audience at your next event is a must and I’m not just talking about the loud, upbeat, fist pump music played as your guests enter the room or the academy award style music played as your award winner makes their way to the stage. I’m talking about immersive music, music that transports your guests to the place you want them to be, music that leaves a lasting impression and stays with them long past the actual event. So how can you achieve this? The team at Urban Event Management have recently come across Theme Weavers – a creative team who are experts in visualising music-inspired themes and then bringing them to life. Their passion is to theme the music for your special event, focusing on making sure all the senses are stimulated and ensuring a powerfully positive response. They’ve created a selection of carefully crafted, fun themes from which you can choose, matching each with the perfect ‘live soundtrack’ or if you already have your own theme in mind or one you are wanting to develop, they can also tailor a musical solution to suit. The performers are a markedly different calibre of musician to the usual run of bands hired out as corporate entertainment. So what is on offer? There is an initial series of themes, each of which will transport you and your guests to a certain place and time. Not run-of-the-mill dress-up parties, but truly immersive...