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Keynote speakers

Engaging a keynote speaker can be a great way to help reinforce your message to your audience. A few points to remember when choosing a keynote speaker are;


It is imperative the speaker is “on topic”. This means being clear on the outcome you want to deliver and will ensure the speaker stays consistent with the overall message you want your guests to take away.


there may be many speakers that meet your brief, but will your audience engage with them? Be sure to take the time to research their previous speaking engagements, the audiences they have spoken to and most importantly get referrals or feedback from those that have used him/her in the past. This will not only ensure value for money but a lasting impression with your audience.


There is no better way to ensure your audience is better connected to the message being delivered than to give them the opportunity to ask questions and even have conversations with your keynote after the actual presentation. If your guests are engaged they will want to cement their experience with some sort of contact with the speaker. Not only does this give your guests a memorable experience, it shows you have definitely chosen the right person to speak.